Focused On Compassionate Professional Care
No matter where you receive your care at Kane County Hospital, we are committed to making your experience, as a patient or a visitor, the best possible.
Use the following resources to take charge of your health care, or support your loved ones who are patients with us. Our hospital provides more than just health care; we strive to improve the quality of life for our patients and visitors.

Appointments and Admissions
Our goal at Admissions is to get you the care you need as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Financial Assistance
Kane County Hospital, as a matter of policy, treats all patients requiring medically urgent care regardless of their ability to pay.

Food Services
What we eat is an important part of one’s health. That’s why we offer a variety of food options to our patients & visitors.

Hospital Auxiliary
Our hospital auxiliary’s Thrift Store has become a model for regional thrift stores.

Medical Records and Insurance
Our medical record department is committed to confidential and safe record keeping.

Patient Portal
Use the “myKCHhealth” Kane County Hospital Patient Portal to manage and document your care.

Pricing Estimator
Gain insight with the Cost Estimator.

Visiting a Patient
We understand the importance of loved ones visiting patients. And we have proper safeguards to ensure the safety of both patients and workforce.

Schedule an Appointment
Schedule an appointment for Radiology or Behavorial Health